BARTH+CO: Frequently asked questions
FAQs on all logistics aspects
The freight forwarding and transport sector has its own language, full of specialised terms and abbreviations. This logistics terminology helps us clearly define processes, tasks and topics, thereby ensuring a functioning supply chain. Here we answer the most frequently asked questions on current issues in the industry and on BARTH+CO.
Special topics in the transport sector
Customs tariffs, Incoterms and minimising our carbon footprint are some of the most relevant topics in the logistics and freight forwarding sector. Time and again, we are asked about them, so we have decided to provide a clear definition and explanation of each of the three topics.
The set of rules for international trade.
Customs clearance of goods for import and export
What processes do we follow for loading and transport? What vehicles and modes of transport do we deploy? What are the different steps from placing the order to delivery of the goods? We have compiled and answered these and many other frequently asked questions on BARTH+CO for your information. If you can’t find the answer to your particular question, simply get in touch and we will be more than happy to help. We update the following FAQ list on an ongoing basis, including other relevant questions (and answers) as they arise.

Questions about the company
Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung als internationaler Speditions- und Logistikdienstleister können wir folgende Dienstleistungen anbieten:
- Direkttransporte
- Express und Sondertransporte
- Fahrradtransport mit der Bike-Logistik
- Feinverteilung und Filialversorgung (Textil)
- Gefahrguttransporte
- Textilverkehre (hängend / GOH)
- Komplettladungen
- Sammelgut
- Stückgüter
- Teilladungen
Gemeinsam mit unserer Schwesterfirma alpha trans bieten wir weitere Transportlösungen im Bereich Luft- und Seefracht an.
These are just some of the countries to which we have regular routes:
Depending on your cargo and destination, we offer all modes of transport:
- Truck/road transport
- Intermodal transport: rolling highway, roll-on/roll-off and rail
- Air freight with our subsidiary alpha trans
- Sea freight with our subsidiary alpha trans
- Transport via rail and on the rail network
What happens if the delivery date for your goods has been postponed but your goods have already been loaded? Or deliveries cannot be made on certain holidays? Perhaps the recipient is unable to accept the goods? No problem at all, we can store your shipment temporarily in our warehouses.
BARTH+CO offers end-to-end logistics solutions along the supply chain. We are a full-service provider with in-house expertise in procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and local distribution to stores and end customers.
Please call +49 811 5550 201 if you have any queries or requests. If you have no time to call, simply send an e-mail to:
Needless to say, sustainability is an integral part of our strategy in ensuring a livable future for generations to come. We consistently raise the bar in terms of our environmental goals:
- To conserve resources
- To reduce CO2 emissions
- To give back to nature
- To review and optimise our environmental protection with innovations on a regular basis
- To deploy electric vehicles
Please refer to our website for detailed information: Sustainability
BARTH+CO Spedition is carbon neutral, keeps CO2 emissions to a minimum and is committed to sustainable business. Click here for further information.
Romanian e-transport
The Romanian Ministry of Finance has introduced by government decree the RO e-Transport electronic system for monitoring the transport of high tax risk goods on the roads. lt was originally supposed to be mandatory
from 1 July 2022, but was recently postponed to 1 October 2022. The aim of introducing this system is to curb tax evasion, reduce the VAT gap and prevent illegal trade. As there are heavy penalties for non-compliance, we
would like to send you some information on this today as a precautionary measure and ask you to note the following:
As of 1 January 2024, the scope of validity was enhanced to all categories of goods. Since then, no exceptions apply to transport on Romanian soil and all deliveries must be handled via the RO e-Transport System.
The process begins with the client registering the consignment with us. If the delivery is general cargo, it will first be picked up in advance. After this, all required data is reported to the client who transmits it to the RO recipient. In the next step, the RO recipient applies for a UIT number and communicates this to our client, who in turn forwards the number to us. Loading can only take place if we receive the corresponding UIT number in good time or if we are informed in writing that no UIT number is required.
Important: For general cargo we need the UIT number by 2 pm on the day of loading at the latest, for partial and full loads by 12 pm on the day before loading at the latest.
Questions on loading and transport
Once we have processed your order, we will contact you to arrange for prompt pick-up at a convenient time.
Delivery will take place according to the schedule previously agreed with you. Should you require faster delivery, we can organise an extra transport run.
Our staff will keep you informed of any potential delays.
Our wide range of services currently does not include refrigerated transport.
If goods are packed incorrectly, this may result in damage that is not insured. In this case, the driver may refuse to accept the goods. We will be happy to advise you on the specific requirements for packing your goods correctly. Furthermore, should your shipment exceed the agreed size, we can help you repack the goods.
Questions on the vehicles/modes of transport
We rely on semitrailers with tarpaulins and box-body trucks, as well as garment boxes for textile transport. The interiors are fitted with bars and clothes rails, meaning your garments can be transported on hangers, without the need for further packaging. Moreover, in addition to full and partial loads, we can organise extra transport runs.
We offer a variety of options to meet all requirements, from a van with 8 cubic metres (cbm) to a small truck with 28 cbm, right up to a mega trailer with a loading capacity of up to 100 cbm. Just send your enquiry to info@barth-co.com.
If your shipment exceeds the following parameters, you must arrange for prior consultation:
- Height: max. 3 metres
- Length: up to 8 metres
- Width: up to 2.45 metres
Yes, this option is available. In this case, we deploy a crane and specialised personnel to ensure that your goods are loaded with the utmost care.
You have a container in Hong Kong that you want brought to Munich? No problem at all. We join forces with our subsidiary alpha trans to offer intermodal transport services. This means that alpha trans would ship your container to Hamburg by sea, where we pick it up by truck.
Perhaps you are unsure whether your entrance can accommodate a 40-tonne truck? Or whether a tarpaulin trailer or box trailer is better suited to your needs? Our specialised personnel is happy to advise you on the right mode of transport for your individual case.
Questions on placing an order
In order to process your order, we require the following information:
- Pick-up address
- Destination
- Dimensions of the shipment
- Weight
- Delivery date
It is important for us to know where your shipment is headed. Is it staying within the EU or is the destination in a third country? Did your goods come from a third country and thus have to be cleared through customs? Our experts have plenty of experience and can give you professional advice.
More Information on Customs.
As a rule, international transport requires a CMR transport document. A T1 paper will also be needed if the shipment is headed for a non-EU country, such as Switzerland or the United Kingdom. A CARNET TIR is sufficient for deliveries to Turkey.
More Information on Customs.
We are happy to prepare all transport documents on your behalf.
More Information on Customs.
Our customs experts take care of the export documents for the third country in question. The recipient in the destination country is responsible for overseeing the import into the country.
More Information on Customs.
As a German freight forwarder, we accept liability in accordance with the German Freight Forwarders' General Terms and Conditions 2017 (ADSp 2017). Maximum liability limits therefore apply. We are happy to advise you whether additional insurance coverage is prudent in your case.
You may cancel your order at any time. Costs may be incurred in the case of last-minute cancellations, however.
Questions about logistics and warehouse facilities
At present, we have warehouse facilities available for you at our Hallbergmoos (Munich airport), Nuremberg and Dormagen sites.
Yes. We regularly plan your capacities together with you and are able to adjust your storage space to your requirements.
Yes. BARTH+CO has all the required approvals and is AEO-F certified.
AutoStore® is a modern and innovative automated warehousing and order picking system for small goods in plastic bins. It was developed by Jacob Hatteland Computer AS in Norway. The system was inspired by the idea of optimising volume utilisation, dynamics, energy efficiency, expandability, material usage and interfaceability with picking stations in comparison to conventional automated small parts warehouses or shuttle systems.
Yes, please ask us for our flexible, smooth solutions.
Yes, that’s a special solution for the fashion industry. From face fabric and lining material to all required accessories such as buttons, zippers, labels and liner strips. We offer tailor-made logistics to secure your supply chain.
Virtually any product – from whisky bottles to bicycles or high-quality textiles. Exceptions are cold chain logistics, specialised pharmaceutical logistics and bulk goods.
Our service portfolio includes the handling of B2C and B2B projects. In B2C, we can interface all standard online shop solutions with our systems. Let us know what we can do for you!
Questions about the diesel floater
The diesel floater is a fuel surcharge that we automatically adjust each month to reflect the latest diesel prices and pass on to our customers.
The surcharge enables us to offset the constantly fluctuating cost situation in the transport sector: as fuel prices drop, you pay less to transport your goods. When prices rise, we adjust the costs of our forwarding services accordingly.
Every month, we recalculate the diesel floater for your shipments. Our price calculations are based on the latest fuel prices published by the EU Commission. Click here for further information.
Questions about green logistics
According to the Clean Development Mechanism defined in the Kyoto Protocol, unavoidable CO2 emissions that are generated at one location can be compensated for by means of a climate protection project somewhere else. If a company offsets all previously calculated emissions with climate certificates for projects like this, it becomes carbon neutral.
Yes, BARTH+CO Spedition works with shipzero and Fokus Zukunft to provide carbon-neutral transport.
With shipzero's calculation software, we are able to calculate the precise carbon emissions of our fleet. We include all relevant information and details in the calculation process to obtain a realistic result.
The carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas (measured in CO2 equivalents) generated directly or indirectly by the activity of an individual, a company, an organisation or a product.
The seven main greenhouse gases do not have the same effect. For example, methane is 21 times as harmful to the climate as CO2, nitrous oxide 310 times and sulphur hexafluoride an astounding 14,000 times. Therefore, all greenhouse gases are converted into CO2, referred to as CO2 equivalents, in order to compare the emissions.
By buying certificates, companies can support climate protection projects all over the world. Each certificate corresponds to a saving of 1 tonne of CO2 as part of the respective project. The initiators of the climate protection projects receive carbon credits for their commitment, which can be traded in the form of climate protection certificates.
Over 20 percent of global CO2 emissions are generated by the transport sector, almost 10 percent by freight transport alone. We therefore consider it as our duty to provide carbon-neutral transport.
The international community has agreed that global warming must be limited to two degrees Celsius to prevent a devastating impact on the environment. This can only succeed if everyone takes responsibility and does their part – for example, by ensuring voluntary emission reductions and offsetting unavoidable emissions.